Thursday, 6 October 2016

Getting our Story Sorted

Week 2 - We focused on making storyboards and animatics, the biggest flaw we realised we had. Was that we didn't have a solid story, this is what we decided to do.

By this point all we knew was that our story would be set in Japan, and we would use a sword and a stone. This was changed when someone suggested that the sword should be stuck in his 'head' - he is a log of possessed wood essentially. So that's the idea that we've gone with.

We each get 10 seconds each to make up 60 seconds:

1. Wooden character is trying to get the sword out of his head
6. My chibi samuri pulls the sword from his head (proving that he is tough)

Within the section 2,3,4,5 - we will decide where the other characters will go through editing together the animatic that we will create.

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